Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hello everyone!
I've realized that everything changes. Don't you think so?

I don't think of huge things, like politics, economic or whatever, just my own life, my individual. I cannot influence things, they just happen. And I'm writing about it, because I've moved into a dormitory, what I've never thought before. It's my second day in here, and I like it. I mean it's much better than my sublet was. Maybe some of you know about my former problems. Now I don't want to talk about it. :D (Mik: "Do you want to talk about it?"- I always think of him, when I hear this question)

So everything changes. This entry is related to my previous one.
Nowadays I'm thinking about this kind of things. Everything happens for a reason. I'm very curious to know what the future brings. This destiny thing makes me think. Can we change certain things, which are predestinated? Does "predestinated" exist at all?

Personally I think we all go on a pathway, which has many by-passes, but the final destination is given.

Has anyone a better idea on this topic? I'm very interested in your opinions.

Have a nice week!

Take care!