Thursday, October 9, 2008

Reading and Writing skills- homework

I've searched on Google Books and I've found a book entitled Lewis and Clark Road Trips Exploring the Trail Across America.

This book is (according to the author) a "new kind of travel book-trip planning and travel maps on facing pages" In my opinion it is a great book, because it's not just a simple guidebook, it containes many historical datas as well. There are many colourful pictures in it. It makes this book more interesting.

If you are interested in America it is worth to read it.


Unknown said...

Superb book find, Angéla. Thanks. You are saying it is worth reading. Have you looked at some parts, then? What specifically? I would surely like to hear more about your discovery. Worth :) writing about?

Angela said...

To be honest I've just flipped through the book, and seen the pictures,but If I travel to America Im' sure I will read it!